Monday, October 10, 2011

Mama Said There'd Be Days Like This

Mondays. I really really don't like Mondays. I almost said hate but that sounds too hateful. And this morning it drizzled all the way to work and although the sun eventually came out, I didn't leave the building until 6 p.m. A long day of work - and though productive - it was still long. And I was pretty beat by the time I walked out the door. Reminds me of that tune, "Mama said there'd be days like this, there'd be days like this." Only thing is, my mama would say something like, "You work too much. You need to slow down. It's too hard on you." Or some variation thereof.

So instead of coming home and turning on the TV and vegging out on the couch, Mr. Man and I took the girls (our 2 dogs) for a walk on the horse trails. We watched the sun set and the full moon rise and water on the lake glisten. We laughed when Scarlett (min-pin) pounced on the tall grass, because "it could be somethin'!" We caught up on each other's day and came home feeling calmer, refreshed, and content.

My mama said there should be more days like this! Thanks, Mom!

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