Me and Photos
I finally activated my facebook account. I resisted...a long time...because so much of my life is spent on email that I didn't want one more technological obligation. And also, there's the profile photo. And I'm not photogenic. At all. And I'm not kidding.
Here is the photo from my facebook page:
This picture was taken by a professional photographer for a work function. I told him, "I always look goofy in pictures." And he said, "I've never failed at getting a good picture of every person I've photographed." And then he proceeded to work his a__ off! I'm not kidding when I say he took at least 100 shots before he found a usable one - and it was this one. I think it's okay. But my family doesn't think it looks like me at all. Notice my eyes. The left one is definitely bigger than the right. And I'm smiling kind of goofy. In real life, I either don't smile at all or I smile so huge that my eyes get all scrunchy. That's what the photographer said, anyway. He said, "You're either on or off - there's no in between with you, is there?" And I guess there isn't. But a few months ago, when Mr. Man and I went riding (which put me in a good mood), I didn't balk when he took this picture of me:
With my skull cap and biker t-shirt, I think this looks more like me. Mr. Man says he likes both pictures ("They're both you." And this is one more reason why I love him). I like this one. And I'm pretty sure my kids and grandkids would say, "That's Mom/Grandma!"
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